define( 'WP_HOME', '' ); define( 'WP_SITEURL', ''); define( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true ); Divorce Financial Analysis in Leawood, KS | Asset Analysis LLC


Praise for CDFA’s (Certified Divorce Financial Analysts

“The professions of divorce financial analysis and matrimonial law have a long, prosperous future together. The skilled CDFA ™ bringsrationality to an irrational situation.”

– Frederic J. Seigel, Esq.
Partner, Fitzmaurice & Seigei, CT

“CDFA’s ™can provide invaluable information that allows the court to arrive at a fair, equitable, and just resolution not just at the moment of the trial, but well down the road as well.”

– Honorable Kathleen M. McCarthy, JD
Family Courth Division Judge, MI

“(CDFAs ™) watch out for tax snafus, help clients obtain health insurance after a split, and demystify tough-to-value private-equity or hedge-fund investments.”

– The Wall Street Journal

“However the divorce (analyst) enters the process, the participation of a financial specialist can benefit both clients and lawyers, according to Sandra Morris (former president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.) While the (CDFA ™) wades through the financial morass of a divorce the attorney is freed up to focus on legal issues.”

– Lawyers Weekly